SWCCA Supporting Maternal and Child Health in Walawayn

Written By : swcca
August 7, 2017
Written By : swcca
August 7, 2017

SWCCA Supporting Maternal and Child Health in Walawayn MCH which is located Lower Shabelle particularly walaweyn district since June 2016 up to date.

SWCCA Providing support Walawayn MCH which is situated Lower Shabelle particularly howlwadaag village of Walawayn district, the MCH structure consists 6 rooms and also MCH has 11 medical staff the MCH Provides different services including Safe delivery, ANC, PNC, EPI, under five years and over five years, the MCH are free of charge and functioning 24 hours SWCCA Assisting through given that medical support and running cost of the Walawayn MCH from June 2016 upto- date with support of Somali diaspora . Walawayn MCH Service provides a comprehensive and focused approach for the promotion, prevention, early detection, and intervention of the physical, emotional or social factors affecting young children and their families in contemporary communities.


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